I awoke one early morning feeling sad and blue
I thought about my mother my dad and my brother too
They've gone to be with Jesus in that land so far away
But there's gonna be a reunion in heaven some sweet day
I'm going to that reunion beyond the starry sky
I'm going to see my loved ones and never say goodbye
They're all patiently waiting and I'll join them in a song
Yes I'm going to that reunion and it won't be very long
There's all the little children who died while they were young
They never reached maturity their song was never sung
They've gone to be with Jesus and are nestled in His arms
They'll be at that reunion they'll be God's special charms
They'll be my friends and loved ones I've met along the way
We'll all get reacquainted on that glad and happy day
But especially I'll see Jesus my Savior and my King
We'll all be at that reunion when the bells of heaven ring
I'm going to that reunion beyond the starry sky
I'm going to see my loved ones and never say goodbye
They're all patiently waiting and I'll join them in a song
Yes I'm going to that reunion and it won't be very long