You were always on my mind
I imagined you'd have your dad's eyes
We were so young and dumb
Hadn't lived enough
Decided it wasn't time
Late nights with our friends filled with laughter
We were living a grand adventure
Maybe it's selfish but I wanted to wait
Am I guilty for living
I guess I could have tried a little harder
Well maybe if I'd hurried
I'd hold you in my arms instead of my heart
I'm afraid my time is running out
I should have met you by now
I wanted to be ready
Or as ready as I could be
Your floor would be my ceiling
You'd want for nothing
I'd give you everything
In all my preparation I worry I drug my feet
Months go by
No positive signs
I wonder if we'll ever meet
I'm sorry for living
I guess I could have tried a little harder
Well maybe if I'd hurried
I'd hold you in my arms instead of my heart
I'm afraid my time is running out
I should have met you by now
Do I get one chance
Have I missed it
Will it always be what could've been
I swear I love you
I don't even know your name
Is there something wrong inside in me
Or am I just unlucky
I'll keep praying I can hold your hand one day
Forgive me for living
I guess I should have tried a little harder
Well maybe if I'd hurried
I'd hold you in my arms instead of my heart
I was busy just living
I guess I should have tried a little harder
Well maybe if I'd hurried
I'd hold you in my arms instead of my heart
I'm afraid my time is running out
I hope my time hasn't quite run out
I'm ready to meet you now