You can take our lives, but you'll never take our gains
And you can take my compound, provided you have peaceful aims
But if you use it to take a life, I'll have to take the blame
We're Leonold and Regibald. We're close, but we're not the same
We made our fortunes in instruments of war - no more
Who brought the mercenaries here
The chemist and the engineer
Saving the world with my brother
Reggie, take these potions. You'll need them for the ride
And don't forget your protein to grow your bis and tris
Brother, I wish I could be with you, but we both have very different jobs to do
Mine the elements, build a giant bomb, blow up a mountain. Blow up a mountain
Blow up a mountain to save the world
It is not in mortal hands to hasten Perdition's deadline
This I believe with all my heart
But the finite laws of ethics, and even theology, do not account for infinite contexts
We made our fortunes in instruments of war - no more
We lived our lives in comfort, studying the universe and its laws
Now I worry for your safety in the sorceress's claws
May the warriors protect you. May the priest of Chaos bless you
May my potions resurrect you should any evil intercept you
This could be the last time that we speak
The situation's looking bleak
Don't let me down, brother
Go thwart the sorceress' aims
You're hunting a dangerous game
Go save the world, brother. Brother