Eilu d'varim she'ein lahem shiur
These are the things
Eilu d'varim she'ein lahem shiur
These are the things
Honoring parents
Loving all humankind
Studying Torah
Embracing all those we find
Eilu d'varim she'ein lahem shiur
These are the things
Eilu d'varim she'ein lahem shiur
These are the things
For those who need healing
For the groom and the bride
Even when we remember
We stand at their side
Eilu d'varim she'ein lahem shiur
These are the things
Eilu d'varim she'ein lahem shiur
These are the things
We offer our prayers
We strive to make peace
We answer the call
And this is the secret
The study of Torah
It equals them all
Eilu d'varim she'ein lahem shiur
These are the things
Eilu d'varim she'ein lahem shiur
These are the things